For many years there an idea has persisted that advisors need to find ways to add value to their relationships with clients to differentiate themselves from the competition. In this post, we’ll approach the subject from a slightly different perspective and examine what an advisor really needs to do to increase their worth in the eyes of clients.
I recently met with a wonderful woman who was referred to me by one of my clients. Many years ago I would have given a great deal of thought on what to bring to my initial meeting with her, which questions to ask, what information I would share. All of this would be for the express purpose of getting the prospective client to hire me.
This time I decided to take a different approach; all I brought to the meeting was a legal pad and a pen.
My premise was simply to ask questions and listen. In other words, I would let the conversation take its natural course and see where it led. Neither desperate nor passive, I did not want to give the impression that I was too eager but neither did I want her to feel I was uninterested.
The meeting went extremely well.