Investment Strategies
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December 01, 2006
Hearts & MindsRegardless of how or where they were raised, most people seem to have an innate desire to do something for the common good, at least...
December 01, 2006
Catching up with... Liz Ann SondersAfter the mid-term elections in which the balance of power in both the House of Representatives and the Senate shifted to Democrats, IA had to...
November 21, 2006
Looking Under the HoodThey're one of the most popular investment vehicles for retirement, and yet despite their ever-growing appeal, there is little information in the market about life...
November 07, 2006
Equal Weight ETFs Seek to Reduce Single-Stock RiskThe big risk for investors looking for exposure to the full spectrum of economic sectors the traditional risk has been overexposure to any individual stock. With that in mind, Rydex has announced the launch of a family of nine ETFs based on the S&P Equal Weight Sector Indexes, traded on...
November 03, 2006
Emerging Market Doesn't Equal Small Cap, AnymoreWhen you see 'emerging markets' and 'small cap' in the same sentence do you automatically think it's redundant? While it may have been so once, it's time to revise your thinking. With the largest IPO in history--Industrial & Commercial Bank of China--brought to market in Hong Kong and Shanghai in...
November 01, 2006
REITs Keep Plowing AheadReal estate investment trusts (REITs) continue their gravity-defying run. After exceeding the return of the S&P 500 index for each of the last six years, REITs have built up a tremendous lead in 2006, and with only two months left to go, are poised to extend their yearly winning streak.
November 01, 2006
Fundamental Index StrategiesDownload a copy of the Research Affiliates June 2006 report, "Retrospectives on Selected Fundamental Index Strategies here. More on fundamental indexing is available at the...