Neil Hennessy has a message for investors and their advisors: if you’re not invested in equities, “you’re crazy.”
The chairman and CIO of Hennessy Funds has another message for investors looking to get in early on the changes that President Donald Trump will bring to the economy and markets: Don’t even try. “I don’t know what he’s going to do,” Hennessy said Wednesday at a lunch in New York in which Hennessy and the asset management firm’s Cornerstone MidCap 30 fund manager, Brian Peery, spoke to reporters.
“Instead of guessing” what will happen under a Trump administration, Hennessy suggested that advisors “wait to see what actually happens,” then determine what, if anything, “to do with clients’ portfolios.” He also hinted that president-elect Trump’s tweet criticizing Boeing’s “$4 billion” Air Force One contract was not tone-deaf at all but rather played well among Americans who voted for him, saying “$4 billion may not sound like a lot of money here in New York, but it sounds like a lot in Wichita.”
Returning to his market commentary, Hennessy argued that there is still “$4 trillion sitting in fixed income mutual funds,” with additional trillions in money market accounts. But with the Dow industrials’ “yield higher than 10-year Treasuries,” when investors start to move off the sidelines, “where will they go?” The wise answer will be to equities, Hennessy said, only half-joking that “if you’re not in equities you’re crazy.” He suggested that some of that money will start moving after the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee meets next week and raises rates, but another calendar occurrence may have a bigger impact. That’s when individual investors will open up their year-end investment account statements and see losses in the fixed income portion of their portfolios, he predicts.