Trusts and Estates
Learn which trust is best for which clients, the tax benefits of different estate planning strategies and how to transfer wealth responsibly, as well as estate planning techniques that benefit families with special needs
January 12, 2003
Keeping Pace With Todays SuperwomanByThe "superwoman" of today presents great challenges and opportunities for the financial services professional. The time-management balancing act of career, family and finances often equates ...
January 01, 2003
Divorce PlanningThe estate planning process needs to address the possibility that the client or one or more heirs may become divorced. Among the issues that should...
December 29, 2002
Estate Planning Is Undergoing A Radical ReformationEstate Planning Is Undergoing A Radical ReformationBy John J. ScrogginEstate planning is in the midst of a radical reformation and a number of factors are ...
December 01, 2002
Seven 'Unconventional' Estate Planning StrategiesSeven Unconventional Estate Planning StrategiesToday, most people prefer to place a bankcard in an automatic teller machine instead of speaking with a bank teller to ...
December 01, 2002
Part 2: Following FormIRA beneficiary designations are a confusing topic to many clients and even to some advisors, but mastering the details of IRA beneficiary rules can strengthen...
December 01, 2002
The New Meaning of TrustThe notion of trust is occupying people's minds these days. Open newspapers, turn on a cable news show, or attend an industry event and you'll...
October 01, 2002
For More InformationBooks Money Doesn't Grow on Trees: A Parent's Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children, by Neale Godfrey (Fran Harris Fireside, 1994) The Family Incentive Trust, by John...