Filling a Gap in Medical Evacuation Benefits

Standard travel insurance plans may not get sick or injured clients home or to their preferred hospital.

A medical transportation services provider is trying to organize its own travel health insurance gap-awareness campaign.

The company, MedjetAssist, wants agents, brokers and financial advisors to know that even a travel policy with what look like good medical evacuation benefits may pay for less than clients expect.

Many travel health insurance companies offer medevac benefits that will get a patient to a suitable hospital, but that hospital might be thousands of miles from the patient’s home, according to Sheri Howell, a vice president at Medjet.

That’s a problem, she said, because long-range medical air transportation can cost $25,000 to $100,000 for patients traveling within the United States and $200,000 for patients traveling internationally.

What it means: Even conscientious clients who buy travel health insurance and take the time to read the policies may have a big, unexpected coverage gap.

Standard medevac benefits: Travel health insurance policies often provide $25,000 to $100,000 in medical evacuation benefits.

Typical policies pay for the ground transportation services, helicopter services and expertise needed to get a patient from a remote patient to a modern hospital, but most focus on covering medically necessary transportation services, Howell said.

Alternatives: Medjet and competitors like Global Rescue provide more extensive help with medical transportation.

Global Rescue, for example, helps with transportation from the point of illness or injury to wherever the patient wants to go.

At MedJet, “we move people to their hospital at home,” Howell said.

Instead of providing all medical transportation services, Medjet tries to keep costs low and quality high by focusing on moving patients from airfields that can handle jets to the hospitals of their choice.

If a member has a serious illness or injury, needs a high level of care while traveling, and is stable enough to travel by air, MedJet will fly the member to the hospital of the member’s choice in the United States or Canada, even if the patient is already in an excellent hospital and moving to a different hospital is not medically necessary.

When possible, Medjet will move patients using commercial airlines. When suitable commercial airline service is not available, the firm will provide an air ambulance, a paramedic, a critical care nurse and two pilots.

MedJet says that the program is not insurance. Annual memberships start at $315. The company can pay commissions to agents who want them, and it also works with fee-only advisors.

Credit: MedJet