Christi Grimm has an idea for improving Medicare Advantage plan regulation: Put information about denials in patient records.
If a Medicare Advantage plan added a code to an enrollee’s encounter record when it denied a claim, investigators would have an easier time using the records to identify provider fraud, Grimm says.
Investigators would also have an easier time seeing if plans deny claims in an improper way, she adds.
Grimm, the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and other officials in her office discuss the lack of a Medicare Advantage claim denial code in a new HHS Office of the Inspector General report to Congress.
What It Means
Regulators have no simple way to determine if Medicare Advantage plans are denying too many of your clients’ claims.
The Missing Code
In the new report, HHS OIG officials highlight a Medicare Advantage claim denial review the agency released in February.