Tax Plan's Limits on Alts in IRAs Wouldn't Just Hit the Wealthy

Accredited investors who aren't wealthy could lose their only practical means of accessing some alternative investments.

A part of the wide-ranging tax package proposed by the House Ways and Means Committee would limit the ability of IRA and retirement account holders to invest in certain alternative assets that are often associated with wealthy and sophisticated investors. 

This is an outgrowth of the furor over billionaire Peter Thiel’s $5 billion holding in his Roth IRA. However, in their efforts to curtail some of the strategies used by the ultra-rich, the Democratic proposal would limit the ability of smaller investors, including some of your clients, to fully diversify their retirement accounts with alternatives and private investments. 

Self-Directed Retirement Accounts and Diversification 

Self-directed retirement accounts are used to invest in assets that many “mainstream” custodians will not allow in IRAs, SEP-IRAs or Solo 401(k) accounts. There are a number of alternative investments beyond stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs that investors house in self-directed accounts, including: 

The ability to invest in these types of alternative assets within an IRA or other self-directed retirement account provides clients for whom this is appropriate with additional options in saving for their retirement. 

Proposed Rule Changes 

Two rule changes for retirement plans contained in these proposals could limit the ability of investors to invest in many alternative assets inside of a retirement account. 

Inadvertently Targeting Non-Wealthy Investors 

While the proposed rule changes that limit or prohibit alternatives and private investments in retirement accounts are aimed at the wealthy, in reality these proposals will also hurt many middle- and upper-middle-class investors as well. 

For example, the threshold to be an accredited investor is: 

While those meeting these thresholds would not be considered poor by any standard, they generally would not meet the criteria of being wealthy, either. In fact, President Joe Biden’s seeming definition of being wealthy is a taxpayer with an income of $400,000 or more. 

In a recent conversation with Henry Yoshida, CFP, founder and CEO of Rocket Dollar a self-directed retirement account provider, he indicated that many of the firm’s retirement account holders are middle- to upper-middle-income investors. He feels these proposed rule changes will limit the options available to these types of investors as they save for retirement. 

With the increased popularity of self-directed retirement accounts and interest in various alternative investments in recent years, it feels like middle-income retirement savers are collateral damage in the Democrats’ quest to limit retirement savings options for the wealthy. 

Liquidity and Asset Location 

Some may argue that these proposed rule changes don’t limit the ability of investors to invest in the types of alternatives that would be prohibited by changes as the rues would apply only to retirement accounts. But for some investors, holding alternative and private investments in their self-directed retirement account makes much more sense than holding them in a taxable investment account.

Often your client’s retirement accounts are their largest source of investable cash for these types of assets. Many of these alternative investments are illiquid and require a number of years to pay out. Access to the funds is often limited during the holding period by lockups. 

The liquidity aspect can make alternatives less desirable for middle-income investors to hold in a taxable account. Assets like stocks, ETFs or mutual funds can be sold if additional cash is needed quickly. This is not the case with alternative assets. Limiting the ability to house private and non-publicly traded investments in a retirement account would effectively put these types of investment out of the reach of many non-wealthy investors, but likely will not have this effect on the wealthy. 

While we don’t know what the final legislation will look like, advisors with clients who have these types of assets in self-directed retirement accounts should give some thought to a possible exit strategy if needed. The current proposal allows a two-year window to remove these investments from an IRA or retirement account. This will be problematic in the case of some investments with longer lockup periods and other liquidity restrictions.