Advisors I talk with tell me that they need certain things they’re not getting. But usually what they think they need is not what they actually do need.
See if something here sounds like you.
1. You think you need confidence.
You don’t. Confidence is a result, not a prerequisite to taking action. Fear is often a byproduct of desire. Think of something you want to do that scares you. Write down the tiniest next step you can take without actually doing that thing. Take that tiny step. Then start there again.
2. You think you need to be more productive.
You don’t. You need to be more creative. Forget trying to be “productive.” Trying to run your business by checking emails every five minutes and fiddling with your computer is not productive. Be creative. Do something in your business that you haven’t tried. Creativity is your true competitive advantage.
3. You think you need to be better at prospecting or sales.
What you need is to be better at serving. Serve someone powerfully. If you’re powerful enough, they’ll ask you how they can work with you. Then you can tell them your process and your fees. And as you continue to serve them powerfully, they’ll send their friends and family to you.
4. You think you need to show people how smart and powerful you are.
What you really need is to show them how much you care about them and their future. This is your superpower.