Lending Clients a (Virtual) Helping Hand

A new benefits year is just five months away.

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With COVID-19 disrupting many aspects of regular commerce, clients are looking for business partners that they can lean on during these difficult times. In fact, now is a time you can prove your value more than ever and be rewarded for reliability and consistency.

Many agents and brokers are likely already fielding client questions on what benefits can help support employees and ways they can enhance their offerings in 2021.

(Related: A 2020 Benefits Strategy Refresh)

As a trusted advisor, agents and brokers can consider proactively contacting clients for a mid-year check-in with resources and a helping hand, even if virtually.

Leverage Digital Communications Tools

In addition to face masks, HR managers continue wearing many hats, and that is where digital resources can be an invaluable aid for benefits education. Look for agents and brokers with insurers like Aflac who can provide tools such as digital handouts, e-books, video presentations and training, email templates and more.

Now is a time when virtual meetings of all kinds are the norm, whether it is a videoconference via Zoom or a telehealth visit with one’s doctor. When it comes to benefits consultations with employees, the same holds true: Agents and brokers are willing and ready to help answer questions as well as enroll people in benefits via video and phone alike — with no handshakes required.

Supplemental Benefits Education for 2020 and Beyond

Current events have led many companies to take a second look at their benefits offerings and wonder what else they can do to support their workforces. Agents and brokers can also use this mid-year check-in period to talk with clients about their overall benefits packages, especially the importance of supplemental insurance plans.

By offering supplemental coverage, clients can help employees with expenses health insurance doesn’t cover. For example, Aflac’s BenExtend combines popular benefits from multiple products into one offering, taking into consideration an insured’s health care journey, including diagnosis and hospital confinement, as well as critical illnesses such as heart attack, stroke or major organ transplant.

On-Demand Virtual Help

As we all make our way through the current difficulties in our world, engendering trust is more important than ever. By using digital tools to be there for clients during these tough times, agents and brokers can strengthen relationships in today’s evolving health care landscape.

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Rich Williams is executive vice president and chief distribution officer at Aflac.