Medicare Advantage Enrollment Is Booming: Anthem

The company says flu has been bad but is not giving details.

Gail Boudreaux (Photo: Anthem)

Executives at Anthem Inc. say the latest Medicare plan annual enrollment period was great.

Medicare Advantage program enrollment increased to 1.2 million at the end of 2019, up 21% from the total at the end of 2018.

“Our momentum is carrying over into 2020,” Anthem Chief Executive Officer Gail Boudreaux said Thursday, during a conference call with securities analysts. “We saw solid growth during the annual enrollment period. We expect our membership growth rate to continue to lead  the industry for the fourth year in a row.”


Anthem is generating strong Medicare Advantage plan sales because the company has strong brand recognition and strong supplemental products, Boudreaux said.

Anthem Inc. is a giant, Indianapolis-based carrier that holds the Blue Cross license, the Blue Shield license, or both, in many in states, including California and New York state.

The Medicare Advantage program gives commercial carriers a chance to sell plans that serve as an alternative to use of what Medicare program managers call Original Medicare. The annual enrollment period for Medicare Advantage plans, and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.


John Gallina, Anthem’s chief financial officer, said during the call that Anthem’s medical loss ratio, or ratio of benefits paid to revenue, has been at the high end of what the company had projected.

“The flu season started earlier than normal, resulting in more flu costs than expected in the fourth quarter,” Gallina said.

Gallina did not go into detail about how the flu season has affected claims.

The Results

Anthem held the analyst call to go over earnings for the fourth quarter of 2019 with securities analysts.

Anthem streamed the call live on the web and has posted a recording in the investor relations section on its website.

Anthem is reporting $934 million in net income for the fourth quarter on $27 billion in revenue, compared with $424 million in net income for the fourth quarter on $23 billion in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2018.

Anthem ended year providing or administering health coverage for 41 million people, up from 40 million people a year earlier.

Here’s what happened to the number of people covered by specific types of Anthem health coverage products between the fourth quarter of 2018 and the latest quarter:

— Read The New Earnings Season Starts Wednesday, on ThinkAdvisor.

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