Yuval Levin at National Review cautions all those who are just tired of the health care debate that it’s probably not going away anytime soon, in part because the Donald Trump administration will take steps to harm Obamacare. And Trump himself said he’s planning at least one executive order.
There are basically two points to make here.
(Related: Trump Near Signing Order Allowing Interstate Health Insurance Sales)
One is that deliberate actions by the administration to dissuade people from getting the health insurance available by law, or to make it more difficult, are monstrous, and essentially without precedent. Barack Obama, upon inheriting a war he didn’t support, did not choose to deliberately lose it. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush inherited plenty of liberal programs they didn’t support, but they didn’t try to undermine them at the expense of the American people.
It is of course true that many government programs in the past were designed to exclude blacks and other groups of citizens. And of course there are examples of administrations neglecting programs, or situations where opponents of an existing law sincerely believed citizens would prefer not to have this or that government program. But those are not quite the same as this kind of sabotage.