We often say that great insurance marketing starts with a good blog. However, if your blog posts have a weak ending, you are not optimizing the full marketing value of your insurance blog.
Conclusions for blog posts are often misused, under-appreciated or ignored entirely. A good blog post ending will be short, engaging and inspire your reader to perform an action.
1. Get to the point
Too many writers meander when concluding a post. It is clear to anyone who reads the blog that the writer isn’t sure how to wrap things up. Summarize the key points, be pithy and then drop the mike and leave the stage.
2. Be engaging
The purpose of an insurance blog is to create a relationship with your readers. Think of it like a first date. When a date ends, you don’t just walk away and leave the person standing there. You make a joke, an insightful comment or offer a compliment. Hopefully your date will like you, consider it memorable (in a positive way), and want to see you again.