An advisor who facilitates planning for multiple generations of a family, achieving the fullest expression of what wealth management is.
Cufr explained how the most important thing to clients is that their family being taken care of.
There are three reasons, according to Cufr, why it makes sense for advisors to look at developing strategies to capture multigenerations of families:
Sustainable revenue
Succession plan
Your clients want their children to have the opportunity to have a person to trust. Here are Cufr’s three ways on how you can achieve that end:
Strategy is absolutely critical: Once you utilize a planning process to add value to the next generation. “I can dilute my time pretty quickly,” Curf said so using leverage tools and teams to facilitate this relationship is key.
Message implementation: You want to speak to the person your ideal client wants to be. It’s important to lead, inspire and equip them.
Technology: Using a robo-advisor and financial planning software can keep costs low to ensure relationships are profitable.
Cufr added that serving their clients’ primary needs lead them to their family. This sets them up to serve the next generation, which has immediate and future benefits.