(Bloomberg View) — Conservatives continue to debate how (or whether) to replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
See also: Republicans need a plan if ‘Obamacare’ collapses.
Some of us argue that a replacement should be competitive with Obamacare on coverage: that it should enable roughly the same number of people to buy coverage while increasing competition, cutting taxes, protecting individual choice and reducing government involvement in health care.
And so we favor eliminating Obamacare, capping the tax break for employer-provided coverage, and providing everyone who doesn’t have such coverage with a tax credit that could be used to buy insurance that (at least) covers catastrophic health expenses.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal disagrees, favoring an alternative that would result in millions of people losing their coverage and deriding the higher-coverage proposals of other conservatives as “Obamacare Lite.”