The better you market to your customers, the greater will be your success in business and sales. Use these techniques to get ahead of your competitors.
1. Emphasize your product’s key benefit. The third strategy in sales and marketing is to adapt to the customer’s reality, both social and economic. The ultimate aim of your marketing plan is to make selling unnecessary (although this is seldom actually achieved). Each product offers a “key benefit,” which is the primary reason the customer decides to buy.
Each product or service also triggers a “key fear,” which is what holds the customer back from buying the product or service in the first place. Customers are terrified of risk. They are afraid of paying too much, getting the wrong product, losing their money or getting stuck with something inappropriate for their purposes. This is the main reason qualified prospects hold back from buying a product or service.
When you can emphasize the key benefit, the unique value a customer will receive by buying your product or service—and at the same time, take away his or her major fear—you can open up an enormous market for what you sell.
What is the key benefit motivating your customer to buy? If you have different types of customer, what is the key benefit triggering the buying decision for each type? What is the key fear preventing prospects from buying your product or service? What could you do to emphasize the benefit and make it more attractive, while at the same time minimizing or eliminating the fears that cause customers to hesitate?