Health insurance company financial reporting workers who accidentally compress 2013 medical loss ratio filings the wrong way or send a duplicate file can’t just fix the problem and pretend everything went flawlessly.
The Health Insurance Oversight System will send warning emails to the carrier’s chief executive and financial officers.
The user who actually uploaded the problem MLR form also will get error messages that give more information about the nature of any apparent errors.
CMS has included a description of MLR filing system error messages along with the final version of the MLR 2013 Calculator and Formula Tool.
HIOS is supposed to send users messages about basic formatting errors, such as use of an incorrect “ZIP” compression method or the presence of data in cells that should not contain insurance company data.
HIOS also is supposed to provide some data validation, such as warnings if the amount of direct premium collected per member per month seems to be either far too low or far too high.