The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is hoping the army of 30,000 exchange enrollment workers it has created will stick around after the end of the open enrollment period.
CMS officials discussed the future of navigators, certified application counselors and other exchange helpers in an e-mail newsletter the agency sent to in-person assisters last week.
The ordinary open enrollment period for individual exchange coverage started Oct. 1 and is set to end March 31 in most of the country.
But that doesn’t mean public exchange helpers will be done with their duties April 1.
“In-person assisters, including navigators and certified application counselors, will continue many of their existing functions,” officials wrote in the weekly newsletter.
The assisters will help consumers sign up for coverage, answer questions about using the new coverage, and educate them both about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and about health insurance, officials wrote.
Officials also said assisters may also help consumers appeal exchange or plan enrollment decisions, or decisions by plans to deny claims.