There are a number of medical costs not covered by health insurance — and they come with major costs for consumers.
That’s according to HealthPocket, who analyzed 11,365 health plans to reveal the most common services not covered by insurance.
Though a couple on the list are expected to improve under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), that greater access will affect kids and not adults, researchers note.
To combat this exclusion, experts suggest paying close attention when selecting health plans, buying supplemental coverage — or save to pay up.
Click on to find out which common services insurers are not willing to pay for>>
10. Adult dental services
Dental services are frequently left out of health plan benefits, with 81 percent excluding it.
And that’s not good news considering many adults forgo dental care, especially when they have to pay for it themselves.
According to Aspen Dental, more than one in three American adults (36 percent) have delayed or will delay dental care due to the uncertain U.S. economy and their lingering fears about their current financial situation.
Other medical services that just missed inclusion within the Top 10 list? Hearing aids (77 percent exclusion); routine foot care (73 percent); hospital deliveries (67 percent); adult eye exams (66 percent); and prenatal and postnatal care (64 percent).
9. Children’s eye glasses
87 percent of health plans do not cover children’s eye glasses.
But the essential health benefits that will be required for all plans under PPACA starting in 2014 will improve that number.
8. Weight loss surgery
Though one third of U.S. adults are obese, weight management programs and weight loss surgery are routinely not covered in the health insurance market. Just 10 percent of health plans include the benefit; 90 percent don’t.
A study found that the average cost of weight loss surgery for study participants was $29,500 and that health care costs for those patients in the 6 years following surgery were not lower than similar patients who did not receive surgery.
7. Children’s dental check-up
92 percent of health plans do not cover children’s dental check-ups. But this is another service that expects to be picked up in 2014, when PPACA’s essential health benefits kick in.
6. Acupuncture
This alternative medicine has become increasingly popular over the years, with many medical professionals saying it improves health.
A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that acupuncture is a good treatment for chronic pain and argued that doctors should start recommending it as treatment for arthritis and other chronic ailments.
But the treatment isn’t as popular amongst insurers: 92 percent of plans exclude acupuncture as part of their benefits.