Selling voluntary benet products in the worksite offers great rewards for agents, employers and employees. But to achieve sales success, agents must master the complexities of a constantly changing market. The key, we’ve discovered, is to keep things simple with a consistent five-step process.
Step 1: Obtain employer buy-in
As all worksite pros know, marketing involves not one but two sales. The rst sale is obtaining agreement from the employer to offer voluntary products to employees. During this step, successful agents work hard to: (1) learn about the employer’s benet challenges; (2) describe the most signicant benets of voluntary products; and (3) discuss appropriate solutions.
Here are a few of the best tools to use in this step:
- Employer presentation. Your presentation should introduce your company and make the case for voluntary benets in today’s workplace. At the same time, you should demonstrate your awareness of the general challenges facing many employers and employees. You’ll then present—in broad outline—the options and services available, including ways you can help employers better manage core medical insurance costs.
- Employer benets survey. This tool helps you gather details about an employer’s specic benet plans and challenges. With this information, you’re able to identify the gaps you can ll and the costs you can help manage.
- Product brochures. These items introduce the employer to your products, billing services, enrollment capabilities and claims administration process.
- Proposal. Using the data and feedback you’ve gathered, you’ll present a customized solution to your client.
Step 2: Develop your enrollment plan and communication campaign
Once you obtain employer buy-in, enrollment planning begins. At this step you prepare for the second sale—your presentation to employees, who select the coverage they want and can afford.
Useful tools in this step include:
- Pre-enrollment checklist. Beginning about three months before enrollment, you can use a checklist to guide you in: (1) gathering vital information, such as payroll and employee censuses, lists of business locations and liaison personnel, etc.; (2) determining the least disruptive schedule for employee meetings; (3) scheduling the meetings and (4) distributing pre-enrollment and announcement materials.
- Pre-enrollment communications. Begin your communication campaign one to two weeks before the enrollment start date. Focus on: (1) generating awareness and understanding of the new benets program; (2) announcing upcoming educational opportunities and (3) promoting the enrollment process. Be sure to include a message from the employer endorsing the new benets and reinforcing the importance of maximum participation. Consider using payroll stuffers and posters, as frequent and diverse communications raise awareness and boost interest.
Step 3: Communicate benets to employees
After you establish your enrollment plan and reach employees with your pre-enrollment campaign, the next step is to communicate benets and prepare for the enrollment. Two key goals of this step are to educate employees about their new benet options and to boost enrollment interest to maximize participation.