In response to New York Curtails the Use of Retained Asset Accounts
wkb4447 wrote:
“I, too, have been in the business for a long time and never had a complaint. Insurance companies are generally very prompt in providing access to the death benefit in whatever way the beneficiary wishes. However, I’m glad New York has taken a step to remind insurance comanies of their accountability. Two major factors delay death benefits: not getting an authorized death benefit to the carrier promptly and death occuring during the two-year contestability period. Aside from that, a call to the claims department by the beneficiary or the person with power of attorney almost always results in starting the process for payment of the death benefit. If a carrier is negligent in getting the death benefit paid, my experience is that a quick call to the consumer affairs people at the state department of insurance will get the ball rolling — fast.”
In response to Mass Marketing vs. Strategic Marketing
Jonstone wrote: