“There’s no denying that social networking has worked for some companies and been a flat-out flop for others,” affirms Barry Libert, author of “Social Nation: How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motivate Employees, and Grow Your Business,” and CEO of Mzinga. Libert adds that many companies are just confused about what social networking really is and how to successfully harness its power.
These companies don’t have to just give up, Libert says. They just have to change their thinking and develop different, better strategies. And they have to remember, “It’s not about technology … it’s about community,” Libert points out.
Before you throw in the towel on social networking, read on to learn what really works and how you can start seeing real value.
Build a community. Your company’s social networking goal should be to bring together like-minded people to achieve a common purpose.
“It’s all about connecting people who need to be connected, allowing them to become a part of your company experience,” Libert says. He adds, “Technology is important, but it will never be a substitute for community. If you want to see growth, you’ve got to develop a social network that helps people grow, engages their minds, satisfies their unmet needs and connects them to one another.”