Q: I want to improve my placement rate. Can you provide suggestions to accomplish that?
A: I believe if you properly prepare for the appointment and conduct an appropriate face-to-face presentation, then you will get a high percentage of the sales and have very few policies fall off the books.
Mark Goldberg, national sales manager of Acsia Long Term Care Insurance, agrees and offered to share his “10 Commandments For Better Placement.”
Thou shall:
1. Pre-qualify for health and wealth on the phone when setting an appointment.
2. Use the carrier underwriting guides or underwriting hot lines for questionable health cases.
3. Be a field interviewer and active listener. I shall ask the client to talk about their personal experiences and the consequences on the family and finances. Gain commitment that they think that LTCI is the best solution for addressing their risk, and they understand why.
4. Qualify for health in more detail during the presentation. Have the carrier hot line number available to call or software to access on the spot if you learn more about health issues you didn’t know about before the interview.