Few Americans rate their nation’s health care system very highly, according to a new survey.
The 2009 Health Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefits Research Institute finds 30% rate the nation’s health care system as fair, while 29% rate it as poor. EBRI, Washington, found only 6% rate it as excellent, while another 10% call it good.
Of those participating in the survey, 51% agreed with the statement, “There are some good things about our health care system, but major changes are needed.” And 14% think the health care system needs a major overhaul.
The 2009 Health Confidence Survey–the 12th HCS study conducted annually by EBRI–found that between 68% and 88% of Americans either strongly or somewhat support health reform ideas such as national health plans, a public plan option, guaranteed issue, expansion of Medicare and Medicaid, and employer and individual mandates.