Information is the lifeblood of any business. The insurance industry is no different. Customers either tune in or tune out based on the authenticity of the message. Sending a consistent and relevant message to consumers is critical in this modern world of mixed messages, but it can also be challenging.
The targeted market message is nothing new to agents, whether products are being sold online or in person. Leveraging the market requires new methods to attract new clients. Customers want to work with people they feel that they know and who really know them and their needs. They create a relationship based on a perceived feeling that they and their needs are understood and met.
Insurance is one of the only businesses selling an intangible service to clients based on what “might” happen. Insurance agents are entrepreneurial in nature and, as such, are seeking cutting-edge entrepreneurial endeavors that will lead them to the pinnacle of their profession. One great way is publishing a book to market an insurance agency.
Following is a quick “how to” on creating and marketing the book that can be used to market your expertise to a focused niche clientele.
Target your market
First, identify your niche topic. If, for example, you sell health insurance, you might focus on helping consumers understand what types of health plans would best suit their needs, concentrating on rates, deductibles, and possible exclusions. Choose a snappy title that hooks the reader — one that makes them pick up your book and look beyond the cover — and always conduct thorough research into your topic, no matter how much you think you know.
Next, make a good, thorough plan for your book. Create a detailed outline of each proposed chapter and its contents. The more planning and structuring that goes into the pre-writing, the easier it will be to write your book in the end. This also makes it easier to shift things around and try various layout designs until you find what works best. Be ordered but flexible and open to change. Often, you’ll find you do need to make some changes so the information is logically presented. Make sure to break the project down into realistic sections or you will drown.