- 61%: Percentage of assisted living facilities surveyed that provide dementia care, with half providing the care at no additional cost. For those charging additional amounts, rates ranged from an additional $50 to $3,000 per month, although 60% reported additional costs of $1,000 per month or less.
- 36%: Percentage of nursing homes surveyed that had separate dementia units; 80% did not charge additional amounts. Of those charging, fees ranged from $10 – $25 per day.
- $36.5 billion: Costs to businesses related to caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s, including lost productivity, absenteeism, and worker replacement.
- 47: Average number of hours of care Alzheimer’s disease caregivers provided weekly, compared to 33 hours provided by caregivers for physically impaired individuals.
- 32%: Percentage of Alzheimer’s caregivers surveyed who indicated that their health had gotten worse because of caregiving, compared with under 22% of those caring for a physically impaired family member.
Source: MetLife