Despite growing competition from the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, the American Stock Exchange (Amex) continues to hold its own when it comes to exchange-traded funds and other structured investment products.
With a record 121 new product launches in the first half of 2007, the Amex reaffirmed its position as a listing venue in the ETF marketplace. The total number of ETFs listed at the Amex rose to 327 and assets of Amex-listed ETFs totaled $191 billion.
Mid-Year Highlightso 121 new ETFs from 10 different issuerso 73 new structured products, bringing total listings to 405o 54 new companies
The Amex welcomed new products from 10 different issuers including WisdomTree Investments, new to the exchange. Within the six-month period, growth was especially strong when it came to listings of fixed-income and international portfolios.