NU Online News Service, June 25, 2003, 6:22 p.m. EDT – Wachovia Corp., Charlotte, N.C., a large bank holding company, wants to combine its Campbell, Calif.-based Info-One/VARDS unit with AnnuityNet Inc., Herndon, Va.
The combined company would be called “AnnuityNet/VARDS,” and Shane Chalke, president of AnnuityNet, would be president of AnnuityNet/VARDS, according to a deal announcement released by AnnuityNet and Wachovia’s Wachovia Insurance Agency unit.
David de Gorter, president of Wachovia Insurance, would be the chairman of the combined company, AnnuityNet and Wachovia Insurance say.
AnnuityNet and Info-One have been competing to set up annuity distribution systems.