
Annuity news and analysis, including coverage of annuity market regulatory, compliance and legislative issues.

Jefferson-Pilot Reports Higher Net Income

October 30, 2001

Jefferson-Pilot Reports Higher Net Income
Conseco Insurance Unit Reports Higher Operating Income

October 30, 2001

Conseco Insurance Unit Reports Higher Operating Income
AIG Reports Lower Third-Quarter Net Income

October 25, 2001

AIG Reports Lower Third-Quarter Net Income
'How Dare You Suggest Our Compensation Is Not Earned?'

October 21, 2001

'How Dare You Suggest Our Compensation Is Not Earned?'
Former SEC Chief To NAVA: More Meaningful Disclosure

October 21, 2001

Former SEC Chief To NAVA: More Meaningful Disclosure
Tiburon Puts Up Free Rep Benchmarking Site

October 17, 2001

Tiburon Puts Up Free Rep Benchmarking Site
AIG Chairman Discusses WTC Attacks And American General Deal

October 09, 2001

AIG Chairman Discusses WTC Attacks And American General Deal
Fixed Annuity Sales Surge Amid Market Turmoil

October 07, 2001

Fixed Annuity Sales Surge Amid Market Turmoil
What America's Crisis Means For Annuity Buyers And Sellers

October 07, 2001

What America's Crisis Means For Annuity Buyers And Sellers
VAs Will Survive The CUrrent Financial Climate

October 07, 2001

VAs Will Survive The CUrrent Financial Climate