What You Need to Know
- Conditions have changed.
- Maybe you have well-designed solutions.
- The challenge: Starting a real conversation about what to do now.
Today, professionals who work in insurance or financial services live with a common reality. Everything is different.
Technology, inflation, uncertainty, and the ongoing massive transfer of wealth have made life a bit crazy. Thus, competing for engaged clients can be frustrating and protracted.
Can you say “Silicon Valley Bank…”
Confused by the torrent of news and information, making a smart choice is frequently painted with risk.
Much is at stake. A bad or impulsive decision can be costly.
Often, a client may do nothing or simply remain with the familiar and hold on to whatever they originally purchased. But what worked in the past may not be the best strategy moving forward.
Empathetic advisors see what these individuals see. But, how do industry professionals start a new conversation?
Standing alone, no product offers differentiation; when price enters the consultation (as it often does) all is lost. Commodities compete on price and loyalty goes out the window when that is the primary topic of discussion.
It’s a widely-accepted fact that a specialist cannot differentiate using features or price. There needs to be another more effective component to the dialogue.
Sadly, the skill to cultivate sincere conversations that get to the heart of an issue has become a lost art.
Buried under the proliferation of product, ubiquitous AI and the need for instant gratification, we’ve lost sight of its importance.
That (communication) skill set demands patience. Careful listening.
It requires a mindset focused on the “why’s” of today’s customer.