SEC Investor Advisory Committee Searches for New Members

The committee provides recommendations to the agency on ways to protect investors and improve securities regulations.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking candidates for appointment to the Investor Advisory Committee, which provides recommendations to the agency on ways to protect investors and improve securities regulations.

The committee was established under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

“The Investor Advisory Committee and its diverse and talented members are key to ensuring a wide array of investor perspectives are represented in SEC policymaking,” SEC Chairman Gary Gensler said in a statement. “I look forward to working with the members of the Investor Advisory Committee to continue to uphold the SEC’s mission of providing transparent and fair markets for all investors.”

The committee advises and consults with the commission on:

Barbara Roper, former director of investor protection for the Consumer Federation of America, who is now senior advisor to Gensler, was a longtime member of the committee.

Current committee members include Nancy LeaMond, executive vice president and chief advocacy and engagement officer at AARP, and Lori Lucas, president and CEO of the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce tweeted Wednesday that “someone with extensive experience investing in crypto would provide a valuable perspective on the Committee.”

The committee’s last meeting, held on Dec. 2, focused on the intersection of digital assets and investor protection.

In August 2020, the SEC announced new procedures for nominating candidates for appointment to the committee.

Candidates for vacancies on the committee will be identified by a nominating committee composed of staff from across the SEC’s divisions and offices.

The nominating committee is chaired by Robert Marchman, senior policy advisor for diversity and inclusion in the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion.

The nominating committee will identify candidates based on functional membership categories published on the SEC’s website. Members of the public are encouraged to express their interest in serving on the Investor Advisory Committee.