Happy clients do business. They refer their friends. One way of keeping them happy is letting them know you care about them.
The pandemic might have shifted lots of consumer purchasing from stores to online shopping, but online shopping is an anonymous experience. The websites have no interest in how your clients feel about masks.
You are an insurance professional seeking a long-term relationship by showing your clients you care about them.
(Related: Into the Valley of the Lost Prospects)
The pandemic has changed people’s lives. They likely want to talk about it. Give them the chance.
1. The reason for your call. “It’s been a difficult year and it’s only August! Could anyone have imagined this on New Years Day? I’m calling to catch up and see how you are doing. It’s a personal call, not a business call. We can swap stories.”
2. Has the pandemic touched your family or social circle? It’s more tactful than “Has anyone you know gotten sick?” Stop talking. Listen. Once they are done explaining, you can tell about family or friends who were affected. Remember client confidentiality. If that’s the primary connection, you aren’t mentioning any by name.
3. Do you know what’s happening with school for your children? Some districts are doing virtual classes. Some states are recommending schools open, although this seems to change by the day. Some schools are planning a hybrid of both methods of teaching. Regardless if you have children, you can talk about what’s being done in your area.
4. It’s been the year of the road trip. People got cabin fever after lockdown, but few countries are welcoming American tourists. Fortunately, we live in a big country. There are dozens of places within driving distance (unless you live in Hawaii.) Talk about your vacation. Was it a “stay-cation?”
5. Have you gotten out to restaurants yet? Are they doing indoor dining? It must be difficult to rent a banquet tent or walk along the sidewalk these days. Many restaurants are focusing on outdoor dining. However, many Americans are still uncomfortable about eating out. Talk about your experiences.