How Advisors Can Keep It Together During the Holidays

There's a lot to do in December, in and out of the office. Here's a checklist.

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A LinkedIn friend recently explained there weren’t enough hours to get everything done during the holidays. He wondered if I had any ideas. Another article idea was born. Advisors are pulled in many directions during December. There’s work. Family commitments. Shopping. Entertaining. Let’s not forget the regular stuff that needs to get done. What to do?

Two Important Rules

Before getting into how do you juggle and keep all those balls in the air, let’s remember “The reason for the season.” In the U.S., Christmas has turned from the Dec. 25 holiday preceded by a shopping season starting after Thanksgiving into a shopping season starting before Halloween! The Hallmark Channel started its “Countdown to Christmas” movie schedule on Oct. 26!

Somehow, many people have lost sight of “The Reason for the Season.” Remember what makes Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Omisoka important on religious calendars.

Second, remember that great military maxim: “Focus on the mission.” Work gets done in the office. Shopping doesn’t. Home is for family and friend time, not doing office work, at least in December.

How to Keep Your December Organized

As a financial advisor, you are pulled in several directions. Let’s assume these are work, holiday shopping, general entertaining plus time with your spouse and family. Somehow, it all must come together.


Some financial advisors are tempted to put their business into cruise control until 2020. This is a bad idea because clients need attention and appreciation during December.

Holiday Shopping

General Entertaining

Family Time

Does It All Work?

Everything fits in if you exercise time blocking. You must work from a schedule. Focus on the mission. It helps if you’ve done it before.