Since we helped break the news of Ken Fisher’s comments and advisors’ reaction to them on Oct. 9, things have been busy. Of course, there’ve been facts to check.
The real task, though, has been to keep up with the opinions of many advisors and others in financial services. So many of you have been voicing your views on these developments and what they mean for the industry’s treatment of women. It’s often hard to keep up.
Collecting and reflecting on these opinions has been eye-opening, demanding, educational and satisfying. I’ve been privileged to have made dozens of new professional relationships through this process — many on social media — and to interact with individuals and groups in the industry eager to join and add to the discussion.
What’s been most surprising, though, is the great response to our exclusive Investment Advisor/ThinkAdvisor poll on Fisher’s comments and what they mean for the business of financial advice. No spoiler alerts here, sorry.
The full results can be found in our special report, “Tipping Point: Why Ken Fisher’s Lewd Remarks Matter,” and in the “What Advisors Think About Fisher’s Comments, More“ slideshow (Hint: There is a much greater consensus on some topics than I ever expected.)
How many of you participated? More than 1,350. And we are grateful. Several hundred of you shared detailed and spirited comments on what the industry needs to do to become a safer, better place for women, which we also thank you for.
Of the many remarks from poll respondents, just a handful dismiss the need to discuss Fisher’s use of lewd language and the media’s attention to it. The remaining views expressed in the survey aim to help move the industry forward.