More States Approve EssentialLTC Policy Partnership Use

Consumers can buy the stand-alone policy for ordinary use in 46 states and the District of Columbia.

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Six more states will now let consumers use a stand-alone long-term care insurance (LTCI) policy from National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL) with their state Long Term Care Partnership programs.

The six states are Kentucky, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada and Oregon.

(Related: New Stand-Alone LTCI Player Continues to Move Forward)

NGL now offers the EssentialLTC stand-alone policy in 46 states and the District of Columbia.

Consumers can use the policy for LTC Partnership program purposes in 33 states.

The federal government now lets states use LTC Programs to encourage residents to insure themselves against the risk of needing long-term care.

Medicaid programs, which are managed by states and funded with a combination of state and federal money, pay the bills for a majority of U.S. nursing home residents. Partnership program backers see expanding use of private LTCI coverage as a way to reduce Medicaid spending on nursing home care.

Through a Partnership program, a state can use adjustments in Medicaid nursing home benefits eligibility rules to give residents a financial incentive to buy LTCI coverage.

Under Partnership program rules, consumers who buy eligible private LTCI coverage and use up the benefits can keep more assets than typical Medicaid nursing home benefits users if they end up using Medicaid nursing home benefits.

— Read Long-Term Care Insurance Market Gets First New Issuer in 10 Yearson ThinkAdvisor.

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