Want to get some whales as life insurance or annuity clients? It’s a long process, but every journey begins by taking that first step. Fortunately, the December holiday season puts that opportunity within your grasp.
Here’s the plan: Nobody is asking anybody for business.
The object is to meet people, get on their radar screen and connect afterwards.
(Related: 6 Ways for Social Prospectors to ‘Read the Room’)
Here’s your game plan:
Step 1: Determine who you want to meet. This might be influencers like local politicians, heads of accounting firms or partners in law practices. Build a list.
Step 2: Make a list of the high profile non-profits, cultural organizations and business groups in your area.
Step 3: Do some online research. If it’s the local Chamber, look at the officer and membership lists on their website. If it’s the museum or hospital, look at their annual report listing donors at different levels. What names from Step One are featured on the lists you gathered?
Step 4: You’ve got groups that count your high profile folks as leaders or major donors. Visit their website or scan the local paper for details about their holiday fundraiser. It might be a gala or cocktail party. It’s highly likely they will attend.
Step 5: Buy tickets to attend. If it’s a members only event, give serious thought to joining. After all, a museum membership can come in handy during the New Year.
Step 6: Run those names from Step One through LinkedIn. Who do you know in common? If it’s a local name, there’s a chance that friend will be at the event too. If you know them well, you might even score an introduction.