If your prospects are not returning your message or your referrals seem to go nowhere, then perhaps you are not providing them with a compelling reason why they should respond. If you want to increase sales, you must clearly communicate your value.
While there are many things to consider in developing a compelling message, today I’d like to address 6 critical elements that should be present whenever you talk about your value. Think about these elements as you craft your messages to prospects and clients in emails, voice mail, during appointments and on your website:
Be concise
Learn to express your value as concisely as possible. And, yes, you can have different versions of different lengths.
Be clear
Your message shoudl be free from industry jargon and complicated sentence structure. Run your answers by people who have no knowledge of your industry or products.
Be conversational
You’re talking to a person, not submitting an essay to your English teacher. Write more informally, while still following the basic rules of grammar (or at least most of them).