Fourteen years ago this month I joined the staff of Investment Advisor. I’ve now rejoined the staff (though I was never really away), running this magazine that I’ve come to love (and which I have had some control over since January 1999). It feels good to be back. I feel that way partly because of the kind of content we produce each month, marrying words with pictures, going deeper on subject matter than makes sense online, and also giving space to the voices that I not so humbly believe provide great value for advisors: Mark Tibergien, Angie Herbers, Bob Clark, Tom Giachetti, Olivia Mellan and Dan Skiles, to name but a few. Then there’s the staff, folks like our Washington Bureau Chief Melanie Waddell and Managing Editor Danielle Andrus, Research Editor Liana Roberts and our nonpareil Art Director Chris Nicholls. Great content, great people and in a format appropriate to that content and the output of those people.
I remain a fan of electronic journalism and our website,, which has achieved success in the ways that you measure success online and of which I am also proud. Print, however, is a medium that’s best suited for articles like our cover story by Ben Warwick. I’ve heard Ben speak on this topic before, and I’ve appreciated his insights and delivery. In print, however, the whole content package is delivered in a highly digestible—and highly mobile, I’d add—format. I think it’s an important and well-argued topic that is highly educational but also has a clearly expressed point of view. You might just learn something.