Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (BAC) said Friday that it launched its own channel on Flipboard, a Web application used to assemble content on tablets, mobile phones and other smart devices.
Through this application, Merrill plans to share research, opinions and other content created by its economists, strategists and other experts on key issues such as the financial impact of aging. This Flipboard content also will be available through advertising in Forbes and The Atlantic online magazines, which are two popular feeds on Flipboard.
“We know that investors are increasingly using their mobile devices to access ideas about issues of importance to them, and delivering content through Flipboard fits in perfectly with Merrill Lynch’s overall strategy of offering high-quality thought leadership,” said Joe Corriero, head of digital marketing for Bank of America’s Global Wealth & Investment Management unit, in an interview.
“We have decided to use Flipboard as a way to instantly broaden our mobile presence and reach people when they are on the go,” Corriero added.
According to BofA-Merrill, the Flipboard channel is the latest push that aims to help the firm “deliver compelling content through diverse channels.”
“We want to be in all the places where clients want to receive information,” said Corriero. “As a firm and as a strategy, we have to cover all the access points. This is another great way to distribute content, and it’s part of our goal to cover all the bases and to connect with our audience in ways they want to connect with us.”