According to the latest results of the Merrill Lynch Affluent Insights Survey, close to 45% of Americans accept the tough economic conditions. Plus, the vast majority of these investors, nearly 95%, feel better prepared than ever to cope with economic uncertainty, and more than half (58%) see themselves as more stable than last year.
“At a time when stability around the world is harder to find, it is encouraging to see investor sentiment and personal outlooks improving,” said John Thiel, head of U.S. Wealth Management and the Private Banking and Investment Group for Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, in a press release. “Having a handle of one’s financial life and a feeling that economic uncertainty can be weathered are important steps toward increasing confidence and financial security.”
Overall, one-third of affluent families say they feel more in control of their financial lives, and many have taken steps to gain greater control by sticking to a budget (32%) and setting tangible goals for their future (28%). In addition, 33% of respondents said they are living more within their means.
Affluent Americans’ outlook on 2013 can best be described as cautiously optimistic, according to Merrill. Some 30% are feeling optimistic and nearly half (45%) express hope about their financial situation for the year ahead.