Investors throughout the world love U.S. bonds. They will keep pouring money into the U.S. economy forever, in ways that will make it easy for the U.S. Treasury to borrow at rates near 0%, and let the Federal Reserve Board keep big banks afloat by printing money without causing prices to rise.
That drought in the Midwest is a bit creepy, but, hey, too much red meat is bad for you, anyway! We’ll just eat more chicken. Maybe a little goat.
Gas prices rising? Got to love those hybrids.
Long-term care (LTC)? Why should LTC prices rise when the real estate market is so soft and there’s always another chronically unemployed individual desperate for any type of work whatsoever, even working as a self-trained home health aide, if the immigration authorities catch and deport the last one.
Buy a 5% compound annual long-term care insurance (LTCI) inflation protection rider? Well, the riders have gotten expensive, and some insurers have stopped selling them. The insurers are encouraging consumers to simply buy more coverage, or buy coverage with riders will let them buy more coverage later without undergoing new medical underwriting.
Er … wait. The LTCI carriers are pulling away from selling 5% annual compound inflation protection. If they are selling it, they’re charging quite a bit more.