In today’s quick-fix, get-rich-quick world, many people are looking for the magic answer
that will help them achieve their sales goals and targets. Sales gurus make claims that their books, audio programs, workshops and boot camps will magically cure all of your sales woes and problems and that you can achieve the same success they have.
It’s all BS. There is no magic potion.
That doesn’t mean that these sales experts are blowing smoke. It just means that there isn’t an easy cure. As a sales trainer, I have invested the past 16 years helping sales people improve their results. I have conducted hundreds of sales training workshops, delivered keynote presentations and written countless articles and blog posts.
However, I know from personal experience that there is no magic potion or quick fix to achieving outstanding sales results. To become a top performer you need to work hard. I know that some people will disagree with me and say that you have to work smarter. I say no way.