To generate leads to build a solid customer base for your business, you don’t have to blow your entire marketing budget. You just need to go where your clients are and offer them something of value to attract them to your brand. And it all starts with social media.
You can use the relationships you build with customers online to attract them back to your blog. Your blog is the ideal tool to use to continue to offer readers more valuable content to maintain their loyalty. Include an opt-in form on each page of your blog for clients to get more information about your business. Likewise, you can link to the services on your website from your blog to drive traffic to your website, so interested customers can purchase your services.
Here is the basic chain of events to expect: Social Media -> Blog -> Website -> Sale
Using social media to generate leads is all about a backward approach. You cannot aggressively sell to your clients in social media. Social media is completely focused on relationships. Instead, use the power of attraction marketing to start conversations, ask questions and provide valuable information in social media. From there, interested clients are highly likely to visit your blog from the links you post in social media.