If you read my last post, “5 Reasons You Don’t Have More Referrals,” you may have thought, there have got to be so many more reasons. And you’d be right! See how smart you are? So here are five more reasons you don’t have the referrals you’re expecting.
1. You don’t meet enough people who serve the same market as you
If you’re a financial advisor, shame on you if you don’t know and work with a real estate agent, estate planning attorney, accountant, home inspector, property and casualty rep, and maybe a banker. Shame on you again if you know them and aren’t regularly referred by them. These are your primary referral sources – or, at least, they should be. Of course, most of them know this – but do you? Which professions also serve your market? Who meets the same people you want to meet? It might be time to meet them.
2. You don’t contribute enough to outside organizations
There’s a ton of them – Rotary, Lions, or Elks Clubs, chambers of commerce, associations, and networking organizations. Join the ones that make the most sense, meet the shakers and movers, and ask how you can help. It’s a great way to quickly make friends, and there’s plenty to do – so get involved!
3. You spend no time planning for business meetings
Google your prospects and referral sources, and print their Web pages. As you read through, write down any questions you might have right on the pages, in red pen. Then, bring the pages with you to your next meeting and dedicate that time to having your questions answered.