Anyone who’s been a caregiver for someone in need of long-term care already knows this is true, but a new study released Sept. 30 by Genworth Financial (NYSE:GNW) confirms it: caregivers suffer from stress, lose job opportunities and sometimes jobs as well, and may have more disputes with other family members.
Beyond Dollars: The True Impact of Long Term Caring looks at a number of factors faced by family caregivers: the impact of providing care on their financial well-being (savings and retirement contributions); their professional lives (lost job opportunities, increased absenteeism; lost time at work); and the pressure on relationships (less time with family members; tension between caregiver and spouse, siblings, and children). The toll, as might be expected, is high: more than four out of every 10 primary caregivers experience an increase in stress with their spouse and nearly three in ten report stress with siblings.