Do you consider yourself a financial expert? Have you ever considered spending some time in the spotlight to showcase your unique financial planning expertise? If you haven’t, perhaps you should. Being recognized as a leader in the industry can be the boost your credibility, and business, have been waiting for.
According to Derrick Kinney, author of the best-selling affluent marketing book, Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients: A Personalized Marketing System for Financial Professionals, your 15 minutes of fame starts with establishing yourself as a trustworthy source of financial information. To Kinney, this means that “You become the financial professional of choice who understands what seniors are worried about and the ‘go-to’ advisor who can communicate complex financial topics in an easy-to-understand way.”
Kinney suggests beginning your road to stardom by searching for what media outlet best suits you. If you prefer a face-to-face meeting with a client, you might be right for television. Are e-mails more comfortable? Consider writing an article for a local newspaper instead. Once you’ve decided on the right mode of communication, it’s time to nail the initial interview. This is a process Kinney has laid out in three steps:
Step One: “Contact local media and let them know you are a financial expert they can call on for their news stories.” To find possible media outlets that would be interested in interviewing you, run a few key phrases through an Internet search engine. Kinney suggests inputting your city, state, and the word “media” for starters. Once you find a few possibilities, start collecting contact information for producers and finance editors.