Clients Benefit When Split Dollar Is Married To A Family Limited Partnerships
Its no longer a mysteryaffluent Americans are beginning to realize that the estate tax isnt going anywhere. While the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), the $1.35 billion tax cut package passed earlier this year, promises repeal of the estate tax, repeal is promised for only one year (2010). After 2010, the estate tax is scheduled to return in its current form, including the maximum 55% rate.
With the economy slowing and projected budget surpluses turning into budget deficits, it increasingly appears that permanent estate tax repeal is unlikely.
Despite the renewed realization that planning for estate taxes is as important as ever, some advisors and their clients are struggling to find the most effective techniques for estate planning in light of EGTRRA.
Much of this uncertainty has been created by a change in the relationship between the estate and gift tax. Before EGTRRA, estate and gift taxes were unifiedmeaning that the amount exempt from application of the taxes was the same ($675,000 in 2001). But, at least for the time being, the estate and gift taxes are no longer unified.
Under EGTRRA, the gift tax will not be repealed. Rather, the gift tax exemption will increase to $1 million in 2002 and stay at that level permanently. The estate tax, at least as things currently stand, is scheduled for a one-year repeal in 2010. So, not surprisingly, clients and advisors are looking for ways to plan for the payment of estate taxes without incurring current gift taxes.
In summary, the gift tax is real and immediatewhile the estate tax is only likely and remote. More than ever, as a result of EGTRRA, the key to effective estate planning is the leveraging of gift tax exemptions.
Among the planning techniques that have become more and more attractive since the passage of EGTRRA is the use of split dollar in combination with family limited partnerships (FLPs) or limited liability companies (LLCs). By combining these two estate planning techniques, insureds can create the liquidity for the payment of estate taxes, avoid current gift tax liability, and retain family access to the policys cash value.
For most advisors, neither of these concepts is new. However, for many, the combination of these concepts is unique.
Split dollar is an agreement between two or more parties to share or “split” a life insurance policys death benefit, cash value, ownership rights (such as the right to designate the beneficiary), and premium payments. Split dollar has been a popular planning technique since the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 64-328 nearly 40 years ago.
Although some uncertainty regarding the taxation of equity split dollar resulted from the release of IRS Notice 2001-10 earlier this year, the type of split dollar arrangement discussed in this article (non-equity, or traditional split dollar) remains relatively non-controversial.
Family limited partnerships have become a very popular estate planning technique over the past decade. Since 1993, when the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 93-12, which announced that the IRS would no longer aggregate family ownership (i.e., family attribution) for gift tax valuation purposes, FLPs have become a centerpiece of many family estate plans.
An FLP is a business entity formed for the purpose of consolidating the management of family investments. Because of restrictions that limit the rights of limited partners, a significant valuation discount is generally applied to FLP units when they are valued for estate and gift tax purposes.
To understand the marriage of these two popular planning techniques, lets look at a typical example. Alexander and Abigail, both age 70, have a combined estate of approximately $12 million. Their assets are primarily made up of stock in a family business and real estate. Cash flow from their assets is over $500,000 per year.
While both Alexander and Abigail are healthy and active, they are concerned with the management of their estate should they experience health problems in their golden years. They remember Abigails fathers struggle with Alzheimers in his final years and they remember the legal and family problems caused by the court-supervised guardianship that was needed to manage his estate. They want to be sure that their estates are in order, so that they can enjoy their retirement without financial worries.
After consulting with their children and financial advisors, Alexander and Abigail have decided to create an FLP to consolidate and manage their assets. They will create an FLP or a limited liability company (LLC) to hold $10 million of their assets. Because state law governs FLPs and LLCs, the choice of FLP or LLC will largely depend upon the nuances of applicable state law. For purposes of this article, we will assume that Alexander and Abigail will create an FLP.
Ownership of the FLP will be made up of both general (5%) and limited partnership (95%) interests. Alexander and Abigail will be the general partners, and will maintain control over most partnership matters, including investment and distribution decisions.
Once the FLP agreement is drafted and filed with the appropriate state agency, the assets need to be transferred to the partnership. Real estate should be transferred by deed. It is extremely important that assets be transferred and held in the partnership name. To insure that the IRS will respect the FLP, it is important that partnership formalities be followed.
After creating the FLP, a certified independent appraiser should be hired to determine the value of the limited partnership interests. For purposes of this article, lets assume an independent appraiser determines the value of the limited partnership interest to be 60% of the value of the underlying assets (i.e., a valuation discount of 40% is applied). In other words, we will assume that the appraisal determined that the general partnership interests have a value of $500,000 ($10 million times .05) and that the limited partnership interests have a discounted value of $5.7 million ($10 million times .95x (x=1- .40)).
Alexander and Abigail will use their lifetime gift tax exemption ($1 million each in 2002) to give limited partnership interests (approximately 33% of the total partnership interest) to their two children. Assuming a 40% valuation discount, the pre-discounted value of the underlying assets reflected by the total gift of $2 million is $3.3 million. The $2 million gifts will be documented by filing a federal gift tax return. Alexander and Abigail will continue to own those limited partnership interests not transferred to their children.