Affluent Near-Retirees Need an Action Plan: Lincoln Financial

The company's latest marketing campaign highlights such lasting pastimes as hiking, cooking and sailing.

Most affluent Americans in their 50s and early 60s are healthy, busy people who want to stay busy having fun when they get past age 67, according to Lincoln Financial.

The life and annuity issuer talked about the mindset of the new affluent near-retirees earlier this week when it unveiled a new marketing campaign.

About 64% of the affluent near-retirees who participated in a Lincoln survey said they plan to spend the same amount of time or more time on activities and pastimes in retirement, according to Kathy Kavanaugh, a company marketing executive.

The company is responding with ads that will focus less on retirement planning and more on action planning.

What it means: COVID-19 may have cut the life expectancy of typical Americans, but affluent Americans in their 50s and 60s aren’t typical Americans. They feel great.

Lincoln’s ads: The theme for the new Lincoln campaign is “Make Your Pastimes Last a Lifetime.”

Installments will focus on a sailing plan, a hiking plan, a culinary plan and an explorer plan.

Havas is the advertising agency. Crossmedia is the media agency.

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