How to Talk to Clients Under 55 About Social Security

Empowering these clients to run their own scenarios can help ease their fears around the program's future.

As we kick off a new year, financial concerns run high across the younger generations. A key issue for financial advisors working with clients between 35 and 55 is how to build Social Security into their financial outlook.

Most reports find at least half the younger generations think they’ll get nothing from Social Security. It’s time to set them straight.

Be confident Social Security will be around.

Social Security is a gigantic law of thousands of pages. It works by collecting payroll taxes and paying them back out. The program is managed with a 75-year view.

Even though the inbound dollars will be insufficient to cover all obligations beginning in 2033 or thereabouts, there are many levers that can be moved up or down to limit the damage. Talk to your clients about the following:

The program is wobbly today, but it will deliver insurance benefits to millennials and Gen Xers. Otherwise, they should save 50% of their income!

Action Items to Build Younger Clients’ Confidence

What can realistically be assumed for clients who are young and trying to plan? Here are three important to-do’s to talk about with your clients:

1. Do the math.

Each client needs to connect the dots between Social Security’s potential payments and their own savings. The outcome is bleak if Social Security disappears. (Again, it’s not going away.)

Have your clients run projections of how Social Security affects their retirement spending using the “How Important is Social Security?” tool on They’ll quickly see why this program cannot be eliminated. Two examples to set the stage:

Millennial Marc. He’s 35, earns $65,000 and saves 12% (the median for this generation). His 401(k) is at $50,000 (average for this generation).

Gen X Gemma. She’s 50 with an $800,000 portfolio.

2. Use great resources.

This may sound funny in a not-so-funny way, but all clients should be using AARP’s website. They aggressively advocate for strengthening Social Security and provide excellent, comprehensive content.

For more technical analysis of the program, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities writes extensively about Social Security. It’s a great resource for advisors, too.

3. Contact your representatives in Congress.

The only way Social Security will change is for Congress members to play nice together. When individual representatives and senators hear from their constituents, the topic gets on their radar.

Clients can do a Google search to find their members of Congress. They all have websites with a “contact me” email option.

What to Keep In Mind

Younger clients are looking for a calm, reasonable perspective. Empower clients to explore the best resources available, roll up their sleeves, and connect some of their own dots.

Give them tools to run their own scenarios. It will be more meaningful. Allow them to address the realities of what they can change. Or not.

Trying to plan so far into the future has been a challenge for every generation. It’s more difficult today with the possibility of smaller Social Security benefits to come. Social Security is not going away, but it is possible younger clients will get less.

Have a conversation that focuses on building confidence and saving more. It won’t hurt to have more saved than they’ll need.