House Dems Revive Bill to Close Carried-Interest Loophole

The Ending Wall Street Tax Giveaway Act would tax carried interest as ordinary income.

Democratic lawmakers introduced Tuesday the Ending Wall Street Tax Giveaway Act, their latest effort to close the so-called carried interest loophole.

The bill was introduced by Reps. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J.; Don Beyer, D-Va.; and Katie Porter, D-Calif.

The carried interest loophole “allows hedge fund managers to pay a lower rate on their taxes than ordinary working people,” Beyer said in a statement, and “is deeply unfair.”

Under current law, carried interest — profits of private equity, venture capital and hedge funds that are paid out to partners as compensation — is taxed not as income but at the lower capital gains rate.

Pascrell called the tax break “a giveaway to private equity tycoons — some of the wealthiest people on the planet — that helps them routinely pay lower tax rates than their secretaries and janitors.”

Pascrell introduced similar legislation in the 116th and 117th Congress.

The Ending Wall Street Tax Giveaway Act would tax carried interest compensation at ordinary income tax rates and treat it as wage income subject to employment taxes, the lawmakers explained.

“The capital gains break would still apply for those who truly put money at risk, such as private equity partners who invest their own money in their funds. But all income from managing a firm’s assets would be taxed at ordinary rates.”

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that closing the loophole could generate $11.5 billion in revenue over 10 years, the lawmakers said.