New York Life to Team With Yankees

The marketing effort will include agents from the insurer's Target and Cultural Markets program,

New York Life has picked the New York Yankees to help it reach a broad, diverse group of consumers.

The New York-based, policyholder-owned life insurance and annuity issuer announced this week that it will be the Yankees’ official life insurance partner.

The Yankees will put New York Life signage on the outfield walls at Yankee Stadium, and the company will sponsor a program that provides digital certificates for each fan who is attending a Yankees game for the first time.

New York Life will also organize events for clients and agents at the stadium.

During some games, New York Life agents will reach out to fans in the stadium concourse area.

Some of the agents working in the concourse area will come from New York Life’s Target and Cultural Markets program.

Yankee Stadium at night, in New York. (Image: Eddtoro/Shutterstock)